Emails for all contacts are listed with name
Please reach out to your region contact first. Should you be unsure who your region contact is then reach out to the GSL director.
Goal Soccer League Director & AYSO Area Director - Michael Mays
Goal Soccer League Field Coordinator - Jon Miller
Goal Soccer League Schedule Coordinator - Christi Hendrickson
Goal Soccer League Task Force Members and AYSO Regional Commissioners:
Region 124 - Knoxville, North Knox, & Powell - Christi Hendrickson
Region 128 - Farragut, Hardin Valley, Pellissippi Ball Camp, Cedar Bluff, & Karns- Ray Stratton
Region 279 - Bearden, West Hills & West Knoxville - Salem Sakalla
Region 337 - Halls, Fountain City, & Gibbs - Melissa Hackworth
Region 440 - Sevierville & Gatlinburg - Chris Ogle
Region 796 - Norris, Andersonville, Clinton, Rocky Top, & Fairview - Becky Porter
Region 1159 - Maryville, Alcoa, & Blount - David Kemp
Region 1390 - East Knoxville, South Knoxville & Strawberry Plains -Chloe Keener
**Goal Soccer League Task Force Members noted in RED
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